Math Games for Kids!

When you want your kids to work on some of their math skills, but don’t want to assign more “work,” have them play instead!

  • Math Bingo: Bingo is fun for the whole family. This game has addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Play as a family, and be sure to have scrap paper or a whiteboard nearby so kids can show their work (if they can’t solve the problems mentally)! Great for ages 6 and older :)

  • 24 Game: There are different options based on who you want to buy the game for. 24 helps students improve many computation skills, but is also great for problem solving. Anytime an activity or game combines computation with conceptual I approve! This game is good for students that enjoy a challenge and can be played alone or with a partner!

  • Snap It Up: This is a fun card game for kids ages 5 and older! Snap it up helps kids with their quick facts, in a fun way! The game is easy to travel with, and is great for 2 or more players.

  • Proof: Another game to get kids working with their mental math while helping them to understand the meaning behind an equation! Great for all ages 9 and up.

  • What can you do with a deck of cards? Revamp your classic game of war. Instead of throwing down one card where the winner grabs the largest, have each player place down two cards at a time. Each round a player can decide the operation, after throwing down two cards, complete the operation, and the person with the largest number wins! Make sure to assign your own values for face cards (you can throw in negative numbers or fractions for older kids).

  • When I work with my students I notice that they really love working on white boards. Buy some whiteboards and dry erase markers. Let them teach you something on the whiteboard :)

Happy playing and solving! Let me know if you’re looking for any other recommendations!